Okay, so I’m a little late to the whole New Year post thing.

For the past several years do you know what kind of resolutions I have made?


That’s right. Instead of making goals to better myself in the next year, or to try and succeed at something, I pretty much did nothing.

Although, even without the resolutions and stuff, each year has brought about considerable amount of change in my life. Of course, you know how that goes.

Anyways, this year I decided  to be intentional about some things. I  wouldn’t call it a resolution per se, but I did decide to have a word of the year for 2017.

My word for this year is: Fearless!

Why did I choose this word?

Well, it is something I would like to ‘work on’ however I know I cannot do it alone.

I was listening to the song “Crazy” by the Newsboys. I kind of decided that it was my theme song in life at the moment. Basically because a lot of people are thinking I am crazy based on the fact that I have changed my major, among many other things, but that is a story for another time.

Anyway, this song contains the line “I want to be that radical, fearless, and fanatical” and when I heard that, I basically realized that I wanted that sentiment to encapsulate my year. Sometimes God leads us to do things that seem crazy.

So that is why in 2017 I want to focus on being fearless. Of course, I am not fearless on my own. I would say that none of my courage is my own. My courage comes from God.

So, I guess I will give updates throughout the year to let you know where I am with this goal.

Right now, I don’t really have any idea what being fearless in 2017 will consist of. I guess if I did it would defeat the purpose I suppose.

Do you guys have a word of the year this year? Have you made any new years resolutions?

Thanks for being awesome readers! 🙂